Service oriented Architecture (SOA) is the upcoming paradigm of software development, where functionality is built and offered as web-based /other services to the users.
Center mostly works on SOA issues such as
a) Evaluation of SOA architecture on various parameters
Amit Sangroya is working on the problem of Evaluation of Service Oriented Architectures. The problem is significant in today's Software Development Paradigm, where the focus has been changed from traditional development methods to Service Orientation. Amit’s framework is an improvement over traditional architecture evaluation methods and can be used for SOA specific elements such as governance. Amit works in close association with the industry for a better understanding of the problem.
b) Understanding reusability in SOA.
Bhudeb has been trying to use his many years of work experience to make a contribution towards reuse in software architecture b using Service oriented Architectures. He is using many of the ideas in the current SOA implementations he is involved with.
- Vasudeva Varma