Students work on various SE related areas.
* Testing of Multilingual portals.
Online marketers and retailers provide websites in various languages through translation in order to penetrate into local markets. Translation causes issues in terms of ease of navigation for the user and hence affecting the usability of these websites. Usability testing is a technique to refine the website by tracing problems in it, with the help of experiments, involving real users. The standard structure of usability testing becomes very rigorous in multilingual scenario and does not offer clear insights for evaluating multilingual websites. We attempt to develop an approach towards multilingual web usability evaluation and provide a perspective that reduces the level of abstraction in multilingual usability testing scenario. We term our paradigm of Multilingual Usability Testing as MUST.
* Project Map code.
There are two approaches to claiming that programs are right - Testing or Proving. In software development, we tend to invest 70% of the development time in testing. There is no limit to the number of test cases that can be designed and tested but one can never be sure that a program would work for all the possible combinations. Swathy is collaborating with TCS, where she is working on a mathematical notation (the idea of which has been conceived by Prof. K. Vishwanath) that provides a whole new approach of understanding and writing the programs without the help of any technology.
Reusability, verification and validation of programs
- Vasudeva Varma